Teabebaas | PARADENT

Webinar: The use of hyaluronic acid in reconstructive periodontal surgery
Cross-linked Hyaluronic Acid (Hyadent BG - xHyA) has recently been introduced in reconstructive periodontal soft tissue surgery due to its biologic properties, which favor periodontal wound healing and regeneration.
Webinar: Nonsurgical option to address periodontal and peri-implant diseases
Webinar Prof Vincenzo Iorio-Siciliano umbes nonsurgical võimalus tegeleda periodontaalhaiguste ja peri-implantaadi haigused.
Webinar: HA in mucogingival and periodontal surgery
Veebiseminar Anton Sculeanilt hüaluroonhappe (Hyadent BG) kasutamise kohta mukogingival ja periodontaalses kirurgias
Webinar: Soft tissue enhancement with hyaluronic acid
Veebiseminar koos prof dr Wainwrightiga hõlmab teadusuuringutel ja kliinilistel teadmistel põhinevaid erinevaid periodontaalse ravi kontseptsioone. HA erinevaid rakendusi arutatakse kliiniliste juhtumite ja prof dr Wainwrighti loodud standardprotokollide põhjal.
Webinar: New approaches in GBR procedures
Regenerative procedures in dentistry being either guided bone regeneration (GBR) or periodontal regeneration are growing in need. Nowadays, there is an increase in implant placement with worldwide numbers reaching above 20 million fixtures annually. It is estimated that close to 50% of the patients require some type of bone grafting procedure prior to or during implant placement.